The parameters of Latitude and Longitude that have been used in this research/study have been set by the recent earthquake swarm of events in the area starting June 26th. 2009. These events followed on from activity during the previous month to the south at Lakes Rotoaira & Lake Rotopounamu.
They are Northern Latitude –38.945 (-38° 56' 42" S), Southern Latitude -39.015 (-39° 0' 54"), Western Latitude 175.66 (175° 39' 35.9994" E), Eastern Latitude 175.79 (175° 47' 23.9994" E).
The maps below show the search areas as a darker shade.
The Taupo Volcanic Zone lies above the sub-ducting Pacific Plate and is crossed by NE-NW trending faults of the Taupo Graben
Andesite magma occasionally wells up through some of these faults, resulting in chains of volcanic features parallel to the boundry plate.
An exception to the general trend are three old cones north of Lake Rotoaira; Mt. Pihanga, Mt. Tihia and Mt Kakaramea.
These 3 volcanoes relate to a pre-Taupo Graben plate boundry and associated faults which lay at right angles .( NW-SE)to the current ones (NE-SW)
The north-westerly trending Kakaramea-Tihia Massif and Pihanga form a chain of volcanoes which last erupted more than 20,000 years ago, but from which large mudflows have recurred up to as recently as 1910 A.D.
Of the other cones or domes in the area geologigal studies have shown that Papanetu Tephra was erupted from the site of Kuharua Dome c. 9,785 years ago towards the end of dome formation. Manganamu Dome is younger than 1819 years old.
Tokaanu–Waihi geothermal field is situated near the southern end of the Taupo Volcanic Zone. Neutral chloride thermal waters discharge at Tokaanu and Waihi in the north of the field on flat land between the andesite volcanoes Tihia and Kakaramea and the shore of Lake Taupo, while steam-heated thermal features occur at Hipaua on the northern flanks of Kakaramea. Electrical resistivity surveys have shown that Tokaanu, Waihi and Hipaua all lie within a continuous region of low apparent resistivity (5–20 Ωm) and are thus part of the same geothermal system. Interpretation of the resistivity and other data suggests that the Tokaanu–Waihi thermal waters rise nearly vertically from a source deep beneath the elevated southwestern part of the field to the water table. These waters then flow north to discharge at the surface near Lake Taupo. Neighbouring geothermal systems, which occur at Tongariro about 18 km south of Tokaanu–Waihi, and at Motuoapa about 10 km to the northeast, are separated from the Tokaanu–Waihi field by high resistivity ground. This suggests that the thermal fluids discharging at the three fields do not have a common source, as has been suggested previously.
The steaming ground area Hipaua is the 3rd largest of its kind in the TVZ and covers approx.1km2 of steep ground along the Waihi Fault.
Event Recording
Early earthquake activity in the southern Taupo Volcanic Zone was recorded with the national seismic network, then more so from 1966 onwards when a seismometer near Mt Ruapehu was incorporated in the network. The detectable number of swarms increased significantly when, in 1985, a sub-network around Lake Taupo was installed - the Taupo Network, which recorded events with a magnitude less than 2 ML. Prior to 1985, only events with ML greater than 3.0 had been recorded.
The Taupo Seismic Network was a network of six telemetred seismographs that operated around Lake Taupo between 1985 September and 1991 July.
The stations were;
KETZ at Ketetahi
RATZ at Rangitukua
HITZ at Hingarae
HATZ at Hinemaiaia
TUTZ at Tuhingamata
HUTZ at Hika Falls
They are now integrated into the WELT Network run by the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences.
2010 November 25th Mt. Tihia Swarm
Small swarm of 10 earthquakes beneath the northern slopes of Mt. Tihia on the 25th November 2010 UTC ( evening of the 25th and morning of the 26th November 2010 NZDT)
3412460, -38.9762, 175.7372, 2010/11/25 4:1:22, 5, 1.953
3412468, -38.97015, 175.75049, 2010/11/25 4:24:47, 9, 1.841
3412471, -38.9809, 175.75713, 2010/11/25 4:30:11, 5, 2.455
3412558, -38.97807, 175.74948, 2010/11/25 8:36:29, 6, 1.701
3412612, -38.97266, 175.7431, 2010/11/25 10:43:49, 5, 2.461
3412621, -38.98363, 175.75374, 2010/11/25 11:6:12, 5, 2.266
3412635, -38.98073, 175.74208, 2010/11/25 11:35:11, 5, 2.458
3412660, -38.97491, 175.75343, 2010/11/25 12:27:35, 4, 2,0
3412669, -38.97989, 175.74858, 2010/11/25 12:52:9, 5, 2.362
3412755, -38.98271, 175.7352, 2010/11/25 17:4:9, 8, 1.883
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3412460, -38.9762, 175.7372, 2010/11/25 4:1:22, 5, 1.953
3412468, -38.97015, 175.75049, 2010/11/25 4:24:47, 9, 1.841
3412471, -38.9809, 175.75713, 2010/11/25 4:30:11, 5, 2.455
3412558, -38.97807, 175.74948, 2010/11/25 8:36:29, 6, 1.701
3412612, -38.97266, 175.7431, 2010/11/25 10:43:49, 5, 2.461
3412621, -38.98363, 175.75374, 2010/11/25 11:6:12, 5, 2.266
3412635, -38.98073, 175.74208, 2010/11/25 11:35:11, 5, 2.458
3412660, -38.97491, 175.75343, 2010/11/25 12:27:35, 4, 2,0
3412669, -38.97989, 175.74858, 2010/11/25 12:52:9, 5, 2.362
3412755, -38.98271, 175.7352, 2010/11/25 17:4:9, 8, 1.883
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mt. tihia/tokaanu
Okataina Volcanic Center July 24-31 2010
A swarm of earthquakes at Okataina Volcanic Center started on the 24th July 2010. The trend of the swarm is in a south west to north east direction between Te Horoa Dome in the south and Rotokohu Dome in the north and generally confined between Lake Okataina in the west and the Tarawera River in the east.
The swarm has seen two sets of multiple events, the first on 24th July of 29 quakes, with the main cluster located between Tuahu and Makatiti Domes, and other individual events running in a line SW to NE.
3344344, -38.13547, 176.4568, 2010/7/24 3:16:55, 3, 1.858
3344356, -38.1246, 176.47528, 2010/7/24 3:47:19, 3, 2.14
3344368, -38.13937, 176.44946, 2010/7/24 4:18:37, 3, 1.556
3344374, -38.07297, 176.36667, 2010/7/24 4:35:19, 6, 2.041
3344376, -38.13751, 176.50975, 2010/7/24 4:41:24, 4, 1.636
3344377, -38.11678, 176.47783, 2010/7/24 4:44:51, 2, 1.431
3344378, -38.12024, 176.47536, 2010/7/24 4:47:32, 3, 1.693
3344387, -38.13157, 176.48073, 2010/7/24 5:10:52, 2, 2.727
3344396, -38.11113, 176.48688, 2010/7/24 5:30:33, 5, 2.328
3344397, -38.12171, 176.46812, 2010/7/24 5:32:38, 5, 2.087
3344400, -38.12833, 176.47604, 2010/7/24 5:38:52, 4, 2.112
3344405, -38.10339, 176.41908, 2010/7/24 5:51:50, 5, 2.348
3344409, -38.13679, 176.45316, 2010/7/24 5:59:33, 5, 1.832
3344410, -38.16638, 176.41478, 2010/7/24 6:1:16, 0, 1.898
3344414, -38.14753, 176.42143, 2010/7/24 6:9:49, 0, 2.798
3344416, -38.15747, 176.42912, 2010/7/24 6:15:5, 0, 2.326
3344428, -38.13134, 176.48671, 2010/7/24 6:38:34, 4, 2.281
3344433, -38.13679, 176.53227, 2010/7/24 6:51:38, 0, 2.524
3344434, -38.15676, 176.42847, 2010/7/24 6:54:43, 0, 1.779
3344444, -38.14668, 176.43973, 2010/7/24 7:17:3, 3, 1.26
3344445, -38.15165, 176.40613, 2010/7/24 7:20:12, 1, 1.656
3344446, -38.12308, 176.47493, 2010/7/24 7:23:54, 4, 2.081
3344450, -38.12133, 176.47269, 2010/7/24 7:28:47, 5, 1.878
3344452, -38.13005, 176.48242, 2010/7/24 7:32:40, 5, 2.589
3344467, -38.13332, 176.47977, 2010/7/24 8:6:37, 4, 2.362
3344504, -38.12964, 176.47934, 2010/7/24 9:40:36, 4, 2.075
3344508, -38.1288, 176.46902, 2010/7/24 9:51:47, 5, 2.575
3344533, -38.12283, 176.48033, 2010/7/24 10:57:11, 4, 2.185
3349176, -38.12968, 176.46437, 2010/7/24 3:47:56, 3, 1.508
3349125, -38.11595, 176.48152, 2010/7/25 5:38:60, 5, 2.262
3345240, -38.12609, 176.4762, 2010/7/25 19:48:6, 4, 2.36
The 2nd cluster on the 27th July of 24 quakes, with 2 larger magnitude quakes, was located more to the north east of Makatiti Dome.
3345540, -38.11116, 176.45203, 2010/7/26 10:32:40, 4, 1.843
3347485, -38.12217, 176.45259, 2010/7/27 18:26:13, 5, 1.735
3346280, -38.13248, 176.47916, 2010/7/27 18:36:47, 2, 2.304
3346287, -38.13969, 176.50003, 2010/7/27 18:56:4, 4, 2.249
3346297, -38.14746, 176.48602, 2010/7/27 19:20:26, 6, 1.994
3346300, -38.13341, 176.47839, 2010/7/27 19:25:29, 2, 2.604
3346306, -38.14052, 176.48219, 2010/7/27 19:39:57, 5, 2.383
3346308, -38.10266, 176.5273, 2010/7/27 19:46:26, 0, 1.976
3346310, -38.16275, 176.49199, 2010/7/27 19:53:3, 7, 3.203
3346312, -38.07795, 176.459, 2010/7/27 19:57:50, 5, 2.55
3346314, -38.13774, 176.49301, 2010/7/27 20:2:20, 2, 2.904
3346315, -38.14906, 176.49643, 2010/7/27 20:6:19, 4, 2.344
3346318, -38.1297, 176.4666, 2010/7/27 20:15:52, 6, 2.389
3346321, -38.14143, 176.47681, 2010/7/27 20:23:24, 5, 2.731
3346323, -38.08115, 176.53175, 2010/7/27 20:26:7, 5, 2.233
3346327, -38.12216, 176.52818, 2010/7/27 20:33:20, 1, 2.302
3346329, -38.14401, 176.44679, 2010/7/27 20:41:26, 2, 2.214
3346330, -38.13774, 176.45572, 2010/7/27 20:46:15, 3, 0.936
3346331, -38.13833, 176.42574, 2010/7/27 20:50:16, 5, 1.797
3346333, -38.13763, 176.47778, 2010/7/27 20:52:44, 0, 2.304
3346336, -38.09967, 176.50217, 2010/7/27 20:59:25, 5, 2.463
3346344, -38.10514, 176.48947, 2010/7/27 21:19:11, 10, 3.059
3346346, -38.12784, 176.46614, 2010/7/27 21:24:28, 7, 2.288
3346354, -38.12487, 176.47263, 2010/7/27 21:45:54, 5, 2.431
3346379, -38.14181, 176.47382, 2010/7/27 22:56:11, 5, 2.712
Further quakes since;
3346733, -38.16077, 176.4682, 2010/7/28 14:3:39, 2, 2.346
3346798, -38.13232, 176.47098, 2010/7/28 16:32:49, 5, 2.51
3347356, -38.16036, 176.46663, 2010/7/29 16:40:5, 7, 2.072
3347381, -38.15456, 176.44786, 2010/7/29 17:56:57, 4, 2.131
3347400, -38.15641, 176.45714, 2010/7/29 18:49:22, 5, 2.71
3347478, -38.15719, 176.43483, 2010/7/29 19:39:58, 4, 2.44
3347836, -38.1613, 176.46107, 2010/7/30 14:15:16, 5, 2.415
3348434, -38.15256, 176.47557, 2010/7/31 18:14:48, 2, 2.607
3348436, -38.15586, 176.45097, 2010/7/31 18:19:20, 5, 1.902
3348437, -38.1456, 176.47241, 2010/7/31 18:20:47, 2, 2.621
View Larger Map
The swarm has seen two sets of multiple events, the first on 24th July of 29 quakes, with the main cluster located between Tuahu and Makatiti Domes, and other individual events running in a line SW to NE.
3344344, -38.13547, 176.4568, 2010/7/24 3:16:55, 3, 1.858
3344356, -38.1246, 176.47528, 2010/7/24 3:47:19, 3, 2.14
3344368, -38.13937, 176.44946, 2010/7/24 4:18:37, 3, 1.556
3344374, -38.07297, 176.36667, 2010/7/24 4:35:19, 6, 2.041
3344376, -38.13751, 176.50975, 2010/7/24 4:41:24, 4, 1.636
3344377, -38.11678, 176.47783, 2010/7/24 4:44:51, 2, 1.431
3344378, -38.12024, 176.47536, 2010/7/24 4:47:32, 3, 1.693
3344387, -38.13157, 176.48073, 2010/7/24 5:10:52, 2, 2.727
3344396, -38.11113, 176.48688, 2010/7/24 5:30:33, 5, 2.328
3344397, -38.12171, 176.46812, 2010/7/24 5:32:38, 5, 2.087
3344400, -38.12833, 176.47604, 2010/7/24 5:38:52, 4, 2.112
3344405, -38.10339, 176.41908, 2010/7/24 5:51:50, 5, 2.348
3344409, -38.13679, 176.45316, 2010/7/24 5:59:33, 5, 1.832
3344410, -38.16638, 176.41478, 2010/7/24 6:1:16, 0, 1.898
3344414, -38.14753, 176.42143, 2010/7/24 6:9:49, 0, 2.798
3344416, -38.15747, 176.42912, 2010/7/24 6:15:5, 0, 2.326
3344428, -38.13134, 176.48671, 2010/7/24 6:38:34, 4, 2.281
3344433, -38.13679, 176.53227, 2010/7/24 6:51:38, 0, 2.524
3344434, -38.15676, 176.42847, 2010/7/24 6:54:43, 0, 1.779
3344444, -38.14668, 176.43973, 2010/7/24 7:17:3, 3, 1.26
3344445, -38.15165, 176.40613, 2010/7/24 7:20:12, 1, 1.656
3344446, -38.12308, 176.47493, 2010/7/24 7:23:54, 4, 2.081
3344450, -38.12133, 176.47269, 2010/7/24 7:28:47, 5, 1.878
3344452, -38.13005, 176.48242, 2010/7/24 7:32:40, 5, 2.589
3344467, -38.13332, 176.47977, 2010/7/24 8:6:37, 4, 2.362
3344504, -38.12964, 176.47934, 2010/7/24 9:40:36, 4, 2.075
3344508, -38.1288, 176.46902, 2010/7/24 9:51:47, 5, 2.575
3344533, -38.12283, 176.48033, 2010/7/24 10:57:11, 4, 2.185
3349176, -38.12968, 176.46437, 2010/7/24 3:47:56, 3, 1.508
3349125, -38.11595, 176.48152, 2010/7/25 5:38:60, 5, 2.262
3345240, -38.12609, 176.4762, 2010/7/25 19:48:6, 4, 2.36
The 2nd cluster on the 27th July of 24 quakes, with 2 larger magnitude quakes, was located more to the north east of Makatiti Dome.
3345540, -38.11116, 176.45203, 2010/7/26 10:32:40, 4, 1.843
3347485, -38.12217, 176.45259, 2010/7/27 18:26:13, 5, 1.735
3346280, -38.13248, 176.47916, 2010/7/27 18:36:47, 2, 2.304
3346287, -38.13969, 176.50003, 2010/7/27 18:56:4, 4, 2.249
3346297, -38.14746, 176.48602, 2010/7/27 19:20:26, 6, 1.994
3346300, -38.13341, 176.47839, 2010/7/27 19:25:29, 2, 2.604
3346306, -38.14052, 176.48219, 2010/7/27 19:39:57, 5, 2.383
3346308, -38.10266, 176.5273, 2010/7/27 19:46:26, 0, 1.976
3346310, -38.16275, 176.49199, 2010/7/27 19:53:3, 7, 3.203
3346312, -38.07795, 176.459, 2010/7/27 19:57:50, 5, 2.55
3346314, -38.13774, 176.49301, 2010/7/27 20:2:20, 2, 2.904
3346315, -38.14906, 176.49643, 2010/7/27 20:6:19, 4, 2.344
3346318, -38.1297, 176.4666, 2010/7/27 20:15:52, 6, 2.389
3346321, -38.14143, 176.47681, 2010/7/27 20:23:24, 5, 2.731
3346323, -38.08115, 176.53175, 2010/7/27 20:26:7, 5, 2.233
3346327, -38.12216, 176.52818, 2010/7/27 20:33:20, 1, 2.302
3346329, -38.14401, 176.44679, 2010/7/27 20:41:26, 2, 2.214
3346330, -38.13774, 176.45572, 2010/7/27 20:46:15, 3, 0.936
3346331, -38.13833, 176.42574, 2010/7/27 20:50:16, 5, 1.797
3346333, -38.13763, 176.47778, 2010/7/27 20:52:44, 0, 2.304
3346336, -38.09967, 176.50217, 2010/7/27 20:59:25, 5, 2.463
3346344, -38.10514, 176.48947, 2010/7/27 21:19:11, 10, 3.059
3346346, -38.12784, 176.46614, 2010/7/27 21:24:28, 7, 2.288
3346354, -38.12487, 176.47263, 2010/7/27 21:45:54, 5, 2.431
3346379, -38.14181, 176.47382, 2010/7/27 22:56:11, 5, 2.712
Further quakes since;
3346733, -38.16077, 176.4682, 2010/7/28 14:3:39, 2, 2.346
3346798, -38.13232, 176.47098, 2010/7/28 16:32:49, 5, 2.51
3347356, -38.16036, 176.46663, 2010/7/29 16:40:5, 7, 2.072
3347381, -38.15456, 176.44786, 2010/7/29 17:56:57, 4, 2.131
3347400, -38.15641, 176.45714, 2010/7/29 18:49:22, 5, 2.71
3347478, -38.15719, 176.43483, 2010/7/29 19:39:58, 4, 2.44
3347836, -38.1613, 176.46107, 2010/7/30 14:15:16, 5, 2.415
3348434, -38.15256, 176.47557, 2010/7/31 18:14:48, 2, 2.607
3348436, -38.15586, 176.45097, 2010/7/31 18:19:20, 5, 1.902
3348437, -38.1456, 176.47241, 2010/7/31 18:20:47, 2, 2.621
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Okataina Volcanic Center
Cape Egmont Swarm June 2010
Over the week of 4th – 11th June 2010 a series of 9 earthquakes occurred west of Mt. Taranaki in the area known as the Cape Egmont Fault Zone.
The initial quake appears to be a double quake with the same time reading, but 2.13km apart. The 3.572ML event was reported MM4 (largely observed) at Pungarehu [1], Rahotu [1] and Warea [1].
3317910, -39.26843, 173.76195, 2010/6/4 15:36:19.5, 15, 3.572
3318090, -39.27583, 173.78476, 2010/6/4 15:36:19.5, 16, 3.627
3320356, -39.27594, 173.80382, 2010/6/9 4:4:28.9, 12, 2.906
3320495, -39.28713, 173.89268, 2010/6/9 10:52:20.9, 19, 1.754
3320667, -39.31802, 173.64392, 2010/6/9 20:12:11.7, 10, 2.724
3320674, -39.29044, 173.80011, 2010/6/9 10:54:16.3, 15, 1.467
3320860, -39.30838, 173.67719, 2010/6/10 6:1:59.4, 8, 3.144
3321217, -39.26763, 173.7896, 2010/6/10 21:24:45.4, 12, 2.768
3321372, -39.27642, 173.81067, 2010/6/11 4:25:55.5, 15, 2.711
A moderate 5.318ML earthquake occurred on Saturday, June 12 2010 at 2:20 am NZST 100km to the south and was reported widely felt throughout the lower North Island and upper South Island. It is unclear if this larger event is related to the Cape Egmont swarm as the faults south of the Cape Egmont Fault Zone in the South Taranaki Bight have yet to be determined west of the Manaia Fault.
3321605, -40.20919, 173.5623, 2010/6/11 14:20:12.6, 166, 5.318
The larger event is shown on the map for reference (zoom out)
View Larger Map
data by geonet. map by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
The initial quake appears to be a double quake with the same time reading, but 2.13km apart. The 3.572ML event was reported MM4 (largely observed) at Pungarehu [1], Rahotu [1] and Warea [1].
3317910, -39.26843, 173.76195, 2010/6/4 15:36:19.5, 15, 3.572
3318090, -39.27583, 173.78476, 2010/6/4 15:36:19.5, 16, 3.627
3320356, -39.27594, 173.80382, 2010/6/9 4:4:28.9, 12, 2.906
3320495, -39.28713, 173.89268, 2010/6/9 10:52:20.9, 19, 1.754
3320667, -39.31802, 173.64392, 2010/6/9 20:12:11.7, 10, 2.724
3320674, -39.29044, 173.80011, 2010/6/9 10:54:16.3, 15, 1.467
3320860, -39.30838, 173.67719, 2010/6/10 6:1:59.4, 8, 3.144
3321217, -39.26763, 173.7896, 2010/6/10 21:24:45.4, 12, 2.768
3321372, -39.27642, 173.81067, 2010/6/11 4:25:55.5, 15, 2.711
A moderate 5.318ML earthquake occurred on Saturday, June 12 2010 at 2:20 am NZST 100km to the south and was reported widely felt throughout the lower North Island and upper South Island. It is unclear if this larger event is related to the Cape Egmont swarm as the faults south of the Cape Egmont Fault Zone in the South Taranaki Bight have yet to be determined west of the Manaia Fault.
3321605, -40.20919, 173.5623, 2010/6/11 14:20:12.6, 166, 5.318
The larger event is shown on the map for reference (zoom out)
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data by geonet. map by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
Cape Egmont
Cape Egmont earthquake events 2009
The map below shows earthquake events in the Cape Egmont Fault Zone for the period Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2009. 226 earthquakes 0.849ML to 3.846ML
The following events were reported as Felt.
3027526, -39.10921, 173.63722, 2009/1/9 1:52:12.6, 14, 3.729
3033196, -39.31374, 173.50322, 2009/1/20 9:22:37.3, 5, 3.846
3091166, -39.08566, 173.89745, 2009/5/14 15:14:22.5, 9, 2.915
3106367, -39.25883, 173.7386, 2009/6/11 6:59:28.7, 8, 3.408
3138746, -39.17786, 173.53648, 2009/8/14 0:14:19.3, 12, 3.451
3175587, -39.01117, 174.0569, 2009/10/29 5:22:53.9, 13, 3.202
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The following events were reported as Felt.
3027526, -39.10921, 173.63722, 2009/1/9 1:52:12.6, 14, 3.729
3033196, -39.31374, 173.50322, 2009/1/20 9:22:37.3, 5, 3.846
3091166, -39.08566, 173.89745, 2009/5/14 15:14:22.5, 9, 2.915
3106367, -39.25883, 173.7386, 2009/6/11 6:59:28.7, 8, 3.408
3138746, -39.17786, 173.53648, 2009/8/14 0:14:19.3, 12, 3.451
3175587, -39.01117, 174.0569, 2009/10/29 5:22:53.9, 13, 3.202
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Cape Egmont
Cape Egmont earthquake events 2008
The map below shows earthquake events in the Cape Egmont Fault Zone for the period Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2008. 156 earthquakes 0.915ML to 3.433ML
Only two events were reported as Felt, both on the 5th May UTC.
2904265, -39.051, 174.0005, 2008/05/05, 14:16:40.9, 1.806, 5
2904348, -39.2413, 173.8066, 2008/05/05 19:00:18.9, 2.084, 28
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Only two events were reported as Felt, both on the 5th May UTC.
2904265, -39.051, 174.0005, 2008/05/05, 14:16:40.9, 1.806, 5
2904348, -39.2413, 173.8066, 2008/05/05 19:00:18.9, 2.084, 28
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Cape Egmont
Cape Egmont Mag 3+ Events Jan 2000- June 3rd 2010
The events shown in the map below are for magnitude 3.0+ ML for the period Jan1 2000 to June 3rd 2010. Some events were Felt, they are marked on the popup tags on each event.
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data by geonet. map by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
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data by geonet. map by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
Cape Egmont
Cape Egmont earthquake events 1853 to Dec 31st 2007
Cape Egmont earthquake events 1853 to Dec 31st 2007
The map below shows earthquake events in the Cape Egmont Fault Zone for the period Jan 1st 1853 to Dec 31st 2007. 55 earthquakes 4.003ML to 6.0ML
36 off the 55 events were reported as Felt.
Events at this location have the same co-ordinates and are in the earlier period when epicentre location was approximate. Behind the icon are the following events
2178013, -39, 174, 1853/1/1 8:45, n/a, 6.8
2178063, -39, 174, 1868/10/26, n/a, 6
2178389, -39, 174, 1940/9/15 16:34:30.0, n/a, 4.6
2178471, -39, 174, 1941/4/1 10:54:1.0, n/a, 4.3
2178494, -39, 174, 1941/5/16 17:29:25.0, n/a, 4.7
2178495, -39, 174, 1941/5/16 17:45:47.0, n/a, 4.6
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The map below shows earthquake events in the Cape Egmont Fault Zone for the period Jan 1st 1853 to Dec 31st 2007. 55 earthquakes 4.003ML to 6.0ML
36 off the 55 events were reported as Felt.
Events at this location have the same co-ordinates and are in the earlier period when epicentre location was approximate. Behind the icon are the following events
2178013, -39, 174, 1853/1/1 8:45, n/a, 6.8
2178063, -39, 174, 1868/10/26, n/a, 6
2178389, -39, 174, 1940/9/15 16:34:30.0, n/a, 4.6
2178471, -39, 174, 1941/4/1 10:54:1.0, n/a, 4.3
2178494, -39, 174, 1941/5/16 17:29:25.0, n/a, 4.7
2178495, -39, 174, 1941/5/16 17:45:47.0, n/a, 4.6
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Cape Egmont
2010 May 15th > Whale Island Swarm, Bay of Plenty
This swarm is currently still active, data below is preliminary only.
Many of the 3 magnitude quakes have been felt in the Whakatane area.
74 events to date
3307207, -37.83226, 176.9554, 2010/5/15 6:59:33.8, 5, 2.651
3307258, -37.84078, 176.9841, 2010/5/15 9:9:19.1, 5, 2.508
3307262, -37.84127, 176.95557, 2010/5/15 9:19:11.2, 3, 3.097
3307273, -37.85467, 176.96581, 2010/5/15 9:39:54.8, 5, 3.519
3307282, -37.81499, 176.96432, 2010/5/15 10:1:49, 5, 3.062
3307283, -37.89412, 176.98088, 2010/5/15 10:4:43.7, 5, 2.295
3307287, -37.81528, 176.96796, 2010/5/15 10:19:24.7, 5, 2.611
3307293, -37.83951, 176.95656, 2010/5/15 10:36:18, 5, 3.088
3307294, -37.83382, 176.97009, 2010/5/15 10:41:15.9, 3, 2.286
3307299, -37.8387, 176.96274, 2010/5/15 10:52:42.8, 1, 2.874
3307381, -37.826, 176.94901, 2010/5/15 14:7:49.5, 5, 3.298
3307386, -37.85548, 176.98375, 2010/5/15 14:9:1.4, 5, 2.377
3307604, -37.93424, 176.96355, 2010/5/15 23:42:8.7, 5, 2.29
3307639, -37.83923, 176.96063, 2010/5/16 1:17:50.3, 5, 2.471
3307641, -37.83982, 176.96667, 2010/5/16 1:20:44.9, 5, 2.491
3307770, -37.82907, 176.97171, 2010/5/16 7:1:42.2, 2, 2.869
3307820, -37.81016, 176.97313, 2010/5/16 9:19:58.8, 5, 2.515
3307870, -37.84731, 176.95842, 2010/5/16 11:37:51.1, 6, 2.438
3307912, -37.83777, 176.95877, 2010/5/16 13:45:20.5, 5, 2.582
3307945, -37.82566, 176.98192, 2010/5/16 15:16:29.5, 3, 2.437
3308062, -37.88302, 176.96809, 2010/5/16 14:22:19.8, 30, 2.249
3308205, -37.83759, 176.97708, 2010/5/17 2:44:46, 5, 3.217
3308362, -37.84864, 176.97569, 2010/5/17 10:26:53.3, 3, 2.587
3308888, -37.82123, 176.96001, 2010/5/18 10:48:27.2, 3, 3.287
3309206, -37.82201, 176.96196, 2010/5/19 0:54:24.8, 4, 2.525
3309362, -37.83612, 176.98534, 2010/5/19 4:58:1.7, 0, 2.758
3309363, -37.82577, 176.98259, 2010/5/19 4:59:27.7, 6, 2.497
3309481, -37.80696, 176.96376, 2010/5/19 10:25:27.5, 5, 2.839
3309514, -37.84037, 176.96822, 2010/5/19 11:51:28.5, 0, 2.5
3309517, -37.81295, 176.98457, 2010/5/19 11:54:57.6, 2, 2.384
3309543, -37.85229, 176.98848, 2010/5/19 13:11:22.2, 1, 2.931
3309576, -37.79981, 176.92691, 2010/5/19 14:38:14.4, 5, 4.32
3309578, -37.81734, 176.95007, 2010/5/19 14:43:5.7, 4, 2.834
3309581, -37.82484, 176.96065, 2010/5/19 14:48:15.4, 5, 3.154
3309582, -37.83113, 176.99461, 2010/5/19 14:50:51.8, 2, 2.238
3309583, -37.83539, 176.96375, 2010/5/19 14:52:51.5, 6, 2.205
3309584, -37.83252, 176.99634, 2010/5/19 14:54:52.9, 5, 2.163
3309588, -37.85393, 176.97081, 2010/5/19 15:2:31.4, 2, 2.277
3309602, -37.87477, 176.96072, 2010/5/19 15:36:7.9, 3, 2.24
3309604, -37.87774, 176.96461, 2010/5/19 15:42:21.2, 5, 3.959
3309607, -37.89512, 176.95703, 2010/5/19 15:48:59.8, 2, 2.468
3309610, -37.86641, 176.96899, 2010/5/19 15:53:12.3, 1, 2.524
3309612, -37.82225, 177.00111, 2010/5/19 15:59:18.4, 4, 2.596
3309618, -37.86021, 176.92819, 2010/5/19 16:12:20.5, 18, 2.655
3309623, -37.82613, 176.95718, 2010/5/19 16:21:8.3, 5, 3.749
3309625, -37.8392, 176.99998, 2010/5/19 16:24:58.7, 5, 2.793
3309626, -37.82664, 176.95876, 2010/5/19 16:25:51.6, 0, 2.511
3309628, -37.81688, 176.99957, 2010/5/19 16:29:2.8, 5, 2.325
3309632, -37.83996, 176.97289, 2010/5/19 16:34:39.6, 4, 2.328
3309633, -37.83602, 176.99455, 2010/5/19 16:35:50.3, 6, 2.759
3309641, -37.81692, 176.98225, 2010/5/19 16:54:9.7, 1, 2.346
3309644, -37.87037, 176.93304, 2010/5/19 17:3:22.8, 4, 3.769
3309645, -37.87574, 176.89627, 2010/5/19 17:3:22.7, 0, 3.699
3309647, -37.87395, 176.95985, 2010/5/19 17:9:41.4, 1, 2.685
3309654, -37.82391, 177.02379, 2010/5/19 17:24:52.9, 3, 2.29
3309666, -37.83985, 176.99777, 2010/5/19 17:54:26.6, 2, 2.827
3309673, -37.8706, 176.93684, 2010/5/19 18:18:46.6, 5, 3.524
3309685, -37.96312, 176.8799, 2010/5/19 18:49:52.4, 4, 2.72
3309700, -37.85379, 176.96767, 2010/5/19 19:31:49.1, 5, 3.136
3309737, -37.85188, 176.96581, 2010/5/19 21:19:28.2, 5, 2.752
3309750, -37.83237, 176.98807, 2010/5/19 21:52:55.5, 1, 3.025
3309751, -37.84513, 176.95692, 2010/5/19 21:54:34.6, 5, 3.284
3309752, -37.83982, 176.99168, 2010/5/19 21:56:28.3, 4, 2.26
3309801, -37.85299, 176.95174, 2010/5/20 0:8:10.5, 5, 3.738
3309804, -37.83706, 176.95451, 2010/5/20 0:13:19.9, 5, 2.951
3309813, -37.86214, 176.96169, 2010/5/19 21:54:34.5, 4, 3.009
3309960, -37.85579, 176.95987, 2010/5/20 7:2:10.5, 29, 4.331
3310005, -37.88335, 176.96634, 2010/5/20 9:13:8.6, 2, 2.804
3310009, -37.91484, 176.89473, 2010/5/20 9:22:8.3, 22, 2.357
3310010, -37.9075, 176.92805, 2010/5/20 9:24:54.7, 14, 2.309
3310029, -37.81256, 176.96315, 2010/5/20 10:13:4.7, 5, 2.859
3310137, -37.83401, 176.94774, 2010/5/20 15:11:26.1, 5, 2.949
3310300, -37.89021, 176.93893, 2010/5/20 9:22:29.3, 3, 2.301
3310316, -37.83676, 177.00645, 2010/5/20 23:19:6.8, 4, 3.031
click on orb markers on map for details
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data by geonet. maps by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
Many of the 3 magnitude quakes have been felt in the Whakatane area.
74 events to date
3307207, -37.83226, 176.9554, 2010/5/15 6:59:33.8, 5, 2.651
3307258, -37.84078, 176.9841, 2010/5/15 9:9:19.1, 5, 2.508
3307262, -37.84127, 176.95557, 2010/5/15 9:19:11.2, 3, 3.097
3307273, -37.85467, 176.96581, 2010/5/15 9:39:54.8, 5, 3.519
3307282, -37.81499, 176.96432, 2010/5/15 10:1:49, 5, 3.062
3307283, -37.89412, 176.98088, 2010/5/15 10:4:43.7, 5, 2.295
3307287, -37.81528, 176.96796, 2010/5/15 10:19:24.7, 5, 2.611
3307293, -37.83951, 176.95656, 2010/5/15 10:36:18, 5, 3.088
3307294, -37.83382, 176.97009, 2010/5/15 10:41:15.9, 3, 2.286
3307299, -37.8387, 176.96274, 2010/5/15 10:52:42.8, 1, 2.874
3307381, -37.826, 176.94901, 2010/5/15 14:7:49.5, 5, 3.298
3307386, -37.85548, 176.98375, 2010/5/15 14:9:1.4, 5, 2.377
3307604, -37.93424, 176.96355, 2010/5/15 23:42:8.7, 5, 2.29
3307639, -37.83923, 176.96063, 2010/5/16 1:17:50.3, 5, 2.471
3307641, -37.83982, 176.96667, 2010/5/16 1:20:44.9, 5, 2.491
3307770, -37.82907, 176.97171, 2010/5/16 7:1:42.2, 2, 2.869
3307820, -37.81016, 176.97313, 2010/5/16 9:19:58.8, 5, 2.515
3307870, -37.84731, 176.95842, 2010/5/16 11:37:51.1, 6, 2.438
3307912, -37.83777, 176.95877, 2010/5/16 13:45:20.5, 5, 2.582
3307945, -37.82566, 176.98192, 2010/5/16 15:16:29.5, 3, 2.437
3308062, -37.88302, 176.96809, 2010/5/16 14:22:19.8, 30, 2.249
3308205, -37.83759, 176.97708, 2010/5/17 2:44:46, 5, 3.217
3308362, -37.84864, 176.97569, 2010/5/17 10:26:53.3, 3, 2.587
3308888, -37.82123, 176.96001, 2010/5/18 10:48:27.2, 3, 3.287
3309206, -37.82201, 176.96196, 2010/5/19 0:54:24.8, 4, 2.525
3309362, -37.83612, 176.98534, 2010/5/19 4:58:1.7, 0, 2.758
3309363, -37.82577, 176.98259, 2010/5/19 4:59:27.7, 6, 2.497
3309481, -37.80696, 176.96376, 2010/5/19 10:25:27.5, 5, 2.839
3309514, -37.84037, 176.96822, 2010/5/19 11:51:28.5, 0, 2.5
3309517, -37.81295, 176.98457, 2010/5/19 11:54:57.6, 2, 2.384
3309543, -37.85229, 176.98848, 2010/5/19 13:11:22.2, 1, 2.931
3309576, -37.79981, 176.92691, 2010/5/19 14:38:14.4, 5, 4.32
3309578, -37.81734, 176.95007, 2010/5/19 14:43:5.7, 4, 2.834
3309581, -37.82484, 176.96065, 2010/5/19 14:48:15.4, 5, 3.154
3309582, -37.83113, 176.99461, 2010/5/19 14:50:51.8, 2, 2.238
3309583, -37.83539, 176.96375, 2010/5/19 14:52:51.5, 6, 2.205
3309584, -37.83252, 176.99634, 2010/5/19 14:54:52.9, 5, 2.163
3309588, -37.85393, 176.97081, 2010/5/19 15:2:31.4, 2, 2.277
3309602, -37.87477, 176.96072, 2010/5/19 15:36:7.9, 3, 2.24
3309604, -37.87774, 176.96461, 2010/5/19 15:42:21.2, 5, 3.959
3309607, -37.89512, 176.95703, 2010/5/19 15:48:59.8, 2, 2.468
3309610, -37.86641, 176.96899, 2010/5/19 15:53:12.3, 1, 2.524
3309612, -37.82225, 177.00111, 2010/5/19 15:59:18.4, 4, 2.596
3309618, -37.86021, 176.92819, 2010/5/19 16:12:20.5, 18, 2.655
3309623, -37.82613, 176.95718, 2010/5/19 16:21:8.3, 5, 3.749
3309625, -37.8392, 176.99998, 2010/5/19 16:24:58.7, 5, 2.793
3309626, -37.82664, 176.95876, 2010/5/19 16:25:51.6, 0, 2.511
3309628, -37.81688, 176.99957, 2010/5/19 16:29:2.8, 5, 2.325
3309632, -37.83996, 176.97289, 2010/5/19 16:34:39.6, 4, 2.328
3309633, -37.83602, 176.99455, 2010/5/19 16:35:50.3, 6, 2.759
3309641, -37.81692, 176.98225, 2010/5/19 16:54:9.7, 1, 2.346
3309644, -37.87037, 176.93304, 2010/5/19 17:3:22.8, 4, 3.769
3309645, -37.87574, 176.89627, 2010/5/19 17:3:22.7, 0, 3.699
3309647, -37.87395, 176.95985, 2010/5/19 17:9:41.4, 1, 2.685
3309654, -37.82391, 177.02379, 2010/5/19 17:24:52.9, 3, 2.29
3309666, -37.83985, 176.99777, 2010/5/19 17:54:26.6, 2, 2.827
3309673, -37.8706, 176.93684, 2010/5/19 18:18:46.6, 5, 3.524
3309685, -37.96312, 176.8799, 2010/5/19 18:49:52.4, 4, 2.72
3309700, -37.85379, 176.96767, 2010/5/19 19:31:49.1, 5, 3.136
3309737, -37.85188, 176.96581, 2010/5/19 21:19:28.2, 5, 2.752
3309750, -37.83237, 176.98807, 2010/5/19 21:52:55.5, 1, 3.025
3309751, -37.84513, 176.95692, 2010/5/19 21:54:34.6, 5, 3.284
3309752, -37.83982, 176.99168, 2010/5/19 21:56:28.3, 4, 2.26
3309801, -37.85299, 176.95174, 2010/5/20 0:8:10.5, 5, 3.738
3309804, -37.83706, 176.95451, 2010/5/20 0:13:19.9, 5, 2.951
3309813, -37.86214, 176.96169, 2010/5/19 21:54:34.5, 4, 3.009
3309960, -37.85579, 176.95987, 2010/5/20 7:2:10.5, 29, 4.331
3310005, -37.88335, 176.96634, 2010/5/20 9:13:8.6, 2, 2.804
3310009, -37.91484, 176.89473, 2010/5/20 9:22:8.3, 22, 2.357
3310010, -37.9075, 176.92805, 2010/5/20 9:24:54.7, 14, 2.309
3310029, -37.81256, 176.96315, 2010/5/20 10:13:4.7, 5, 2.859
3310137, -37.83401, 176.94774, 2010/5/20 15:11:26.1, 5, 2.949
3310300, -37.89021, 176.93893, 2010/5/20 9:22:29.3, 3, 2.301
3310316, -37.83676, 177.00645, 2010/5/20 23:19:6.8, 4, 3.031
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data by geonet. maps by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
Whale Island
Interim Events 2010 Feb 24th to May 14th Whale Island Area, BOP
10 events 1.518ML to 3.28ML Feb 24th to May 14th 2010 UTC.
The 3.234ML event of 2nd April UTC located west of Coastlands was reported felt as;
MM5 Strong 8 Whakatane [8]
MM4 Largely observed 197 Awakeri [8], Coastlands [15], Edgecumbe [2], Kutarere [1], Ohope [22], Ohope Beach [1], Pahou [1], Paroa [4], Piripai [2], Poroporo [6], Port Ohope [1], Taneatua [2], Wainui [1], Whakatane [130], Whakatane Airport [1]
MM3 Weak 3 Opotiki [1], Taneatua [1], Whakatane [1]
Total reports 208.
3266359, -37.87513, 176.96906, 2010/2/24 15:30:40.9, 5, 1.858
3273850, -37.9341, 176.89926, 2010/3/2 13:45:16.3, 5, 1.518
3280016, -37.9013, 176.88786, 2010/3/24 4:57:15.5, 5, 2.124
3282994, -37.85797, 176.98167, 2010/3/29 22:38:45.5, 5, 2.376
3284759, -37.93299, 176.96252, 2010/4/2 10:28:10.9, 2, 3.234
3286520, -37.78568, 176.85851, 2010/3/20 20:26:41.5, 5, 1.7
3295125, -37.88654, 177.06665, 2010/4/22 12:28:59.1, 65, 2.916
3296037, -37.9224, 176.88646, 2010/4/24 8:7:55.0, 5, 1.794
3303571, -37.80603, 176.89206, 2010/5/8 14:12:17.8, 96, 2.817
3306948, -37.84166, 176.9617, 2010/5/14 19:36:12.4, 5, 3.28
click on orb markers on map for details
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data by geonet. maps by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
The 3.234ML event of 2nd April UTC located west of Coastlands was reported felt as;
MM5 Strong 8 Whakatane [8]
MM4 Largely observed 197 Awakeri [8], Coastlands [15], Edgecumbe [2], Kutarere [1], Ohope [22], Ohope Beach [1], Pahou [1], Paroa [4], Piripai [2], Poroporo [6], Port Ohope [1], Taneatua [2], Wainui [1], Whakatane [130], Whakatane Airport [1]
MM3 Weak 3 Opotiki [1], Taneatua [1], Whakatane [1]
Total reports 208.
3266359, -37.87513, 176.96906, 2010/2/24 15:30:40.9, 5, 1.858
3273850, -37.9341, 176.89926, 2010/3/2 13:45:16.3, 5, 1.518
3280016, -37.9013, 176.88786, 2010/3/24 4:57:15.5, 5, 2.124
3282994, -37.85797, 176.98167, 2010/3/29 22:38:45.5, 5, 2.376
3284759, -37.93299, 176.96252, 2010/4/2 10:28:10.9, 2, 3.234
3286520, -37.78568, 176.85851, 2010/3/20 20:26:41.5, 5, 1.7
3295125, -37.88654, 177.06665, 2010/4/22 12:28:59.1, 65, 2.916
3296037, -37.9224, 176.88646, 2010/4/24 8:7:55.0, 5, 1.794
3303571, -37.80603, 176.89206, 2010/5/8 14:12:17.8, 96, 2.817
3306948, -37.84166, 176.9617, 2010/5/14 19:36:12.4, 5, 3.28
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data by geonet. maps by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
Whale Island
2010 February 1-2 UTC Whale Island Swarm, Bay of Plenty
Small 7 quake swarm north east of Whale Island on 2010 February 1st and 2nd UTC, all very-minor magnitude 2.282ML - 2.611ML, none reported as felt. One micro quake to the north west is shown on the map and list but is likely more related to the following event than the Whale Island Swarm.
On February 2 2010 at 9:04:55 am UTC (Tuesday, February 2 2010 at 10:04:55 pm NZDT), a magnitude 3.243ML just outside this search area (not shown on map) at Lat -37.92031, Long 176.84407, south of the Tarawera River and west of Thornton was reported felt in the Thornton, Whakatane, Ohope area (34 reports) followed by a 2.673ML north of Thornton Rd, at 09:18:18 which was not reported as felt.
3250407, -37.84077, 177.01106, 2010/2/1 8:22:53.5, 3, 2.61
3250408, -37.84383, 177.01175, 2010/2/1 8:27:43.6, 5, 2.452
3250411, -37.82677, 177.01147, 2010/2/1 8:33:45.0, 5, 2.611
3250419, -37.85508, 177.02809, 2010/2/1 9:4:14.1, 3, 2.282
3250437, -37.82167, 177.0154, 2010/2/1 9:55:56.3, 3, 2.533
3250450, -37.82978, 177.00929, 2010/2/1 10:29:58.6, 5, 2.336
3250763, -37.84171, 177.01079, 2010/2/2 3:54:1.5, 5, 2.446
3257488, -37.79134, 176.85446, 2010/2/2 16:25:1.9, 5, 1.4
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data by geonet. maps by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
On February 2 2010 at 9:04:55 am UTC (Tuesday, February 2 2010 at 10:04:55 pm NZDT), a magnitude 3.243ML just outside this search area (not shown on map) at Lat -37.92031, Long 176.84407, south of the Tarawera River and west of Thornton was reported felt in the Thornton, Whakatane, Ohope area (34 reports) followed by a 2.673ML north of Thornton Rd, at 09:18:18 which was not reported as felt.
3250407, -37.84077, 177.01106, 2010/2/1 8:22:53.5, 3, 2.61
3250408, -37.84383, 177.01175, 2010/2/1 8:27:43.6, 5, 2.452
3250411, -37.82677, 177.01147, 2010/2/1 8:33:45.0, 5, 2.611
3250419, -37.85508, 177.02809, 2010/2/1 9:4:14.1, 3, 2.282
3250437, -37.82167, 177.0154, 2010/2/1 9:55:56.3, 3, 2.533
3250450, -37.82978, 177.00929, 2010/2/1 10:29:58.6, 5, 2.336
3250763, -37.84171, 177.01079, 2010/2/2 3:54:1.5, 5, 2.446
3257488, -37.79134, 176.85446, 2010/2/2 16:25:1.9, 5, 1.4
click on orb markers on map for details
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data by geonet. maps by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
Whale Island
2008 December 6th UTC Whale Island Swarm, Bay of Plenty
2008 December 6th UTC Whale Island Swarm, Bay of Plenty
On Dec 6th 2008 there was a small swarm of quakes micro and very minor magnitude between 1.803ML and 2.742ML over a period of 30 minutes, located between the island and the Whakatane Airport.
The quake 2.721ML closest to the mainland at 12:45:58 UTC was reported felt as of 4MM intensity in Ohope.
3010957, -37.86314, 176.96762, 2008/12/6 12:16:9.7, 5, 2.475
3010958, -37.87028, 176.95047, 2008/12/6 12:19:10.4, 5, 2.742
3010960, -37.87972, 176.95352, 2008/12/6 12:24:0.1, 5, 2.201
3010961, -37.85361, 176.95563, 2008/12/6 12:25:27.1, 5, 1.803
3010967, -37.90259, 176.93291, 2008/12/6 12:45:24.5, 5, 2.721
3010973, -37.87095, 176.96565, 2008/12/6 12:58:15.4, 5, 1.857
3011126, -37.86166, 176.97701, 2008/12/6 12:45:58.2, 5, 2.721
click on orb markers on map for details
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data by geonet. maps by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
On Dec 6th 2008 there was a small swarm of quakes micro and very minor magnitude between 1.803ML and 2.742ML over a period of 30 minutes, located between the island and the Whakatane Airport.
The quake 2.721ML closest to the mainland at 12:45:58 UTC was reported felt as of 4MM intensity in Ohope.
3010957, -37.86314, 176.96762, 2008/12/6 12:16:9.7, 5, 2.475
3010958, -37.87028, 176.95047, 2008/12/6 12:19:10.4, 5, 2.742
3010960, -37.87972, 176.95352, 2008/12/6 12:24:0.1, 5, 2.201
3010961, -37.85361, 176.95563, 2008/12/6 12:25:27.1, 5, 1.803
3010967, -37.90259, 176.93291, 2008/12/6 12:45:24.5, 5, 2.721
3010973, -37.87095, 176.96565, 2008/12/6 12:58:15.4, 5, 1.857
3011126, -37.86166, 176.97701, 2008/12/6 12:45:58.2, 5, 2.721
click on orb markers on map for details
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data by geonet. maps by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
2010 April 1st Mt. Tihia Swarm
A small swarm of 15 micro and very-minor earthquakes occured on the 1st April 2010 over a period of 1hr and 10 minutes beneath the northern slopes of Mt. Tihia and Mt. Kuhurua Cone. The swarm trended NW to SE and events occured randomly back and forth across the Hipaua Thermal Area and Waihi Stream. The 1.644ML beneath Mt. Kuhurua Cone was the 2nd to last in the swarm.
3284208, -38.96503, 175.72676, 2010/04/01 08:08:20.0, 3, 1.416
3284209, -38.98948, 175.74879, 2010/04/01 08:11:36.0, 11, 1.504
3284212, -38.96439, 175.72041, 2010/04/01 08:16:54.0, 9, 1.784
3284215, -38.96137, 175.71239, 2010/04/01 08:23:23.0, 6, 1.796
3284216, -38.94078, 175.64186, 2010/04/01 08:25:48.0, 5, 1.231
3284219, -38.95936, 175.69673, 2010/04/01 08:32:38.0, 6, 1.625
3284221, -38.96431, 175.71452, 2010/04/01 08:37:32.0, 9, 1.702
3284222, -38.96632, 175.71463, 2010/04/01 08:39:21.0, 8, 1.844
3284223, -38.96225, 175.71362, 2010/04/01 08:41:07.0, 10, 1.577
3284227, -38.96116, 175.70798, 2010/04/01 08:52:33.0, 6, 2.115
3284228, -38.9714, 175.72688, 2010/04/01 08:54:34.0, 6, 1.765
3284230, -38.95441, 175.68619, 2010/04/01 08:58:31.0, 8, 1.412
3284501, -38.96311, 175.69571, 2010/04/01 09:04:27.0, 8, 1.527
3284235, -38.93095, 175.68904, 2010/04/01 09:11:32.0, 19, 1.644
3284238, -38.96216, 175.68764, 2010/04/01 09:18:15.0, 0, 2.244
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3284208, -38.96503, 175.72676, 2010/04/01 08:08:20.0, 3, 1.416
3284209, -38.98948, 175.74879, 2010/04/01 08:11:36.0, 11, 1.504
3284212, -38.96439, 175.72041, 2010/04/01 08:16:54.0, 9, 1.784
3284215, -38.96137, 175.71239, 2010/04/01 08:23:23.0, 6, 1.796
3284216, -38.94078, 175.64186, 2010/04/01 08:25:48.0, 5, 1.231
3284219, -38.95936, 175.69673, 2010/04/01 08:32:38.0, 6, 1.625
3284221, -38.96431, 175.71452, 2010/04/01 08:37:32.0, 9, 1.702
3284222, -38.96632, 175.71463, 2010/04/01 08:39:21.0, 8, 1.844
3284223, -38.96225, 175.71362, 2010/04/01 08:41:07.0, 10, 1.577
3284227, -38.96116, 175.70798, 2010/04/01 08:52:33.0, 6, 2.115
3284228, -38.9714, 175.72688, 2010/04/01 08:54:34.0, 6, 1.765
3284230, -38.95441, 175.68619, 2010/04/01 08:58:31.0, 8, 1.412
3284501, -38.96311, 175.69571, 2010/04/01 09:04:27.0, 8, 1.527
3284235, -38.93095, 175.68904, 2010/04/01 09:11:32.0, 19, 1.644
3284238, -38.96216, 175.68764, 2010/04/01 09:18:15.0, 0, 2.244
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mt. tihia/tokaanu
2010 February 22nd Mt. Tihia Swarm
On February 22nd 2010 UTC a swarm of 24 earthquakes occurred on the south western flanks of Mt. Tihia. The swarm lasted 4 1/2 hrs between 05:01 and 9:33 UTC, with depths between 3km and 13km.
The deepest quake, the 1.988ML, was the most southern close to Lake Rotoaira.
No quakes were reported as felt.
3265148, -38.99449, 175.68233, 2010/02/22 05:01:32.9, 5, 1.796
3265163, -39.00175, 175.69377, 2010/02/22 05:38:14.8, 5, 1.923
3265165, -38.99889, 175.70511, 2010/02/22 05:41:06.4, 5, 2.39
3265166, -38.99525, 175.69739, 2010/02/22 05:43:55.9, 5, 1.946
3265169, -38.9939, 175.69452, 2010/02/22 05:48:30.5, 8, 1.786
3265170, -38.99178, 175.70198, 2010/02/22 05:50:42.4, 5, 2.239
3265171, -38.99508, 175.70407, 2010/02/22 05:52:01.5, 6, 1.977
3265173, -38.99487, 175.70294, 2010/02/22 05:55:41.3, 3, 2.194
3265176, -39.01088, 175.71043, 2010/02/22 06:00:50.4, 13, 1.988
3265178, -38.99535, 175.70566, 2010/02/22 06:02:42.7, 5, 2.09
3265181, -38.99114, 175.67416, 2010/02/22 06:07:45.8, 4, 1.812
3265189, -38.99795, 175.6861, 2010/02/22 06:21:47.7, 6, 2.356
3265190, -38.99883, 175.68454, 2010/02/22 06:21:48.0, 5, 2.311
3265191, -38.99562, 175.67616, 2010/02/22 06:24:14.5, 5, 1.831
3265194, -38.99378, 175.69237, 2010/02/22 06:29:05.8, 6, 2.19
3265197, -38.99713, 175.6765, 2010/02/22 06:36:19.8, 3, 1.901
3265206, -39.00442, 175.69917, 2010/02/22 06:55:24.0, 5, 1.85
3265207, -39.00014, 175.69781, 2010/02/22 06:57:36.6, 5, 1.711
3265209, -39.00245, 175.69524, 2010/02/22 07:00:24.7, 6, 1.814
3265216, -39.00209, 175.69505, 2010/02/22 07:14:54.7, 6, 1.722
3265243, -38.99546, 175.68581, 2010/02/22 08:31:16.7, 5, 1.772
3265247, -38.99647, 175.68907, 2010/02/22 08:39:20.7, 5, 1.83
3265268, -38.99186, 175.68385, 2010/02/22 09:30:59.9, 7, 1.766
3265270, -38.99895, 175.68947, 2010/02/22 09:33:23.3, 6, 1.548
data by geonet. map by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
The deepest quake, the 1.988ML, was the most southern close to Lake Rotoaira.
No quakes were reported as felt.
3265148, -38.99449, 175.68233, 2010/02/22 05:01:32.9, 5, 1.796
3265163, -39.00175, 175.69377, 2010/02/22 05:38:14.8, 5, 1.923
3265165, -38.99889, 175.70511, 2010/02/22 05:41:06.4, 5, 2.39
3265166, -38.99525, 175.69739, 2010/02/22 05:43:55.9, 5, 1.946
3265169, -38.9939, 175.69452, 2010/02/22 05:48:30.5, 8, 1.786
3265170, -38.99178, 175.70198, 2010/02/22 05:50:42.4, 5, 2.239
3265171, -38.99508, 175.70407, 2010/02/22 05:52:01.5, 6, 1.977
3265173, -38.99487, 175.70294, 2010/02/22 05:55:41.3, 3, 2.194
3265176, -39.01088, 175.71043, 2010/02/22 06:00:50.4, 13, 1.988
3265178, -38.99535, 175.70566, 2010/02/22 06:02:42.7, 5, 2.09
3265181, -38.99114, 175.67416, 2010/02/22 06:07:45.8, 4, 1.812
3265189, -38.99795, 175.6861, 2010/02/22 06:21:47.7, 6, 2.356
3265190, -38.99883, 175.68454, 2010/02/22 06:21:48.0, 5, 2.311
3265191, -38.99562, 175.67616, 2010/02/22 06:24:14.5, 5, 1.831
3265194, -38.99378, 175.69237, 2010/02/22 06:29:05.8, 6, 2.19
3265197, -38.99713, 175.6765, 2010/02/22 06:36:19.8, 3, 1.901
3265206, -39.00442, 175.69917, 2010/02/22 06:55:24.0, 5, 1.85
3265207, -39.00014, 175.69781, 2010/02/22 06:57:36.6, 5, 1.711
3265209, -39.00245, 175.69524, 2010/02/22 07:00:24.7, 6, 1.814
3265216, -39.00209, 175.69505, 2010/02/22 07:14:54.7, 6, 1.722
3265243, -38.99546, 175.68581, 2010/02/22 08:31:16.7, 5, 1.772
3265247, -38.99647, 175.68907, 2010/02/22 08:39:20.7, 5, 1.83
3265268, -38.99186, 175.68385, 2010/02/22 09:30:59.9, 7, 1.766
3265270, -38.99895, 175.68947, 2010/02/22 09:33:23.3, 6, 1.548
data by geonet. map by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
mt. tihia/tokaanu
2010 February 9th Swarm
On February 9th 2010 UTC a swarm of 31 earthquakes occurred between Tokaanu and Mt. Tihia. The majority of events (27) occurred between 10:47 and 12:12 UTC and three where reported as felt in the area, the 2.348ML, the 2.797ML and the 3.598ML.
3254456, -38.9706, 175.7757, 2010/02/09 10:47:11.5, 6, 2.061
3254457, -38.9691, 175.7704, 2010/02/09 10:49:23.6, 5, 1.972
3254459, -38.9684, 175.7683, 2010/02/09 10:52:12.4, 5, 2.398
3254460, -38.9783, 175.7765, 2010/02/09 10:53:35.0, 5, 2.197
3254461, -38.9824, 175.7517, 2010/02/09 10:55:03.3, 6, 2.159
3254462, -38.9922, 175.7656, 2010/02/09 10:55:48.9, 4, 2.633
3254464, -38.9734, 175.7506, 2010/02/09 10:58:00.3, 1, 2.631
3254466, -38.9803, 175.7605, 2010/02/09 11:01:04.2, 8, 2.001
3254468, -38.9874, 175.742, 2010/02/09 11:03:26.3, 4, 2.797
3254470, -38.9601, 175.739, 2010/02/09 11:08:11.3, 4, 2.201
3254471, -38.9772, 175.7544, 2010/02/09 11:09:35.6, 5, 2.556
3254473, -38.9852, 175.7469, 2010/02/09 11:15:25.0, 4, 3.598
3254475, -38.9811, 175.8088, 2010/02/09 11:17:40.0, 0, 2.098
3254476, -38.9671, 175.7773, 2010/02/09 11:18:56.5, 4, 1.878
3254478, -38.9689, 175.7575, 2010/02/09 11:20:08.6, 4, 1.866
3254485, -38.9814, 175.7649, 2010/02/09 11:30:40.9, 8, 1.828
3254487, -38.9787, 175.7736, 2010/02/09 11:34:22.8, 7, 2.245
3254488, -38.9911, 175.7509, 2010/02/09 11:35:35.2, 5, 2.348
3254491, -38.9386, 175.8259, 2010/02/09 11:41:48.0, 5, 1.645
3254492, -38.9721, 175.7565, 2010/02/09 11:43:21.2, 5, 1.396
3254494, -38.9768, 175.7603, 2010/02/09 11:46:55.4, 7, 2.331
3254495, -39.002, 175.7105, 2010/02/09 11:46:56.0, 5, 2.006
3254498, -38.9715, 175.7225, 2010/02/09 11:53:44.3, 8, 1.564
3254499, -38.9824, 175.723, 2010/02/09 11:54:33.7, 5, 1.42
3254504, -38.9787, 175.7632, 2010/02/09 12:04:58.4, 7, 1.817
3254506, -38.9627, 175.7722, 2010/02/09 12:07:34.8, 5, 1.837
3254509, -38.9746, 175.7702, 2010/02/09 12:12:04.3, 7, 1.952
3254525, -38.9707, 175.7741, 2010/02/09 13:05:42.8, 7, 2.2
3254612, -38.9699, 175.7608, 2010/02/09 17:25:26.7, 7, 1.597
3254628, -38.9587, 175.7587, 2010/02/09 18:07:41.7, 5, 1.781
3254682, -38.9746, 175.7647, 2010/02/09 20:27:46.3, 7, 1.591
data by geonet. map by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
3254456, -38.9706, 175.7757, 2010/02/09 10:47:11.5, 6, 2.061
3254457, -38.9691, 175.7704, 2010/02/09 10:49:23.6, 5, 1.972
3254459, -38.9684, 175.7683, 2010/02/09 10:52:12.4, 5, 2.398
3254460, -38.9783, 175.7765, 2010/02/09 10:53:35.0, 5, 2.197
3254461, -38.9824, 175.7517, 2010/02/09 10:55:03.3, 6, 2.159
3254462, -38.9922, 175.7656, 2010/02/09 10:55:48.9, 4, 2.633
3254464, -38.9734, 175.7506, 2010/02/09 10:58:00.3, 1, 2.631
3254466, -38.9803, 175.7605, 2010/02/09 11:01:04.2, 8, 2.001
3254468, -38.9874, 175.742, 2010/02/09 11:03:26.3, 4, 2.797
3254470, -38.9601, 175.739, 2010/02/09 11:08:11.3, 4, 2.201
3254471, -38.9772, 175.7544, 2010/02/09 11:09:35.6, 5, 2.556
3254473, -38.9852, 175.7469, 2010/02/09 11:15:25.0, 4, 3.598
3254475, -38.9811, 175.8088, 2010/02/09 11:17:40.0, 0, 2.098
3254476, -38.9671, 175.7773, 2010/02/09 11:18:56.5, 4, 1.878
3254478, -38.9689, 175.7575, 2010/02/09 11:20:08.6, 4, 1.866
3254485, -38.9814, 175.7649, 2010/02/09 11:30:40.9, 8, 1.828
3254487, -38.9787, 175.7736, 2010/02/09 11:34:22.8, 7, 2.245
3254488, -38.9911, 175.7509, 2010/02/09 11:35:35.2, 5, 2.348
3254491, -38.9386, 175.8259, 2010/02/09 11:41:48.0, 5, 1.645
3254492, -38.9721, 175.7565, 2010/02/09 11:43:21.2, 5, 1.396
3254494, -38.9768, 175.7603, 2010/02/09 11:46:55.4, 7, 2.331
3254495, -39.002, 175.7105, 2010/02/09 11:46:56.0, 5, 2.006
3254498, -38.9715, 175.7225, 2010/02/09 11:53:44.3, 8, 1.564
3254499, -38.9824, 175.723, 2010/02/09 11:54:33.7, 5, 1.42
3254504, -38.9787, 175.7632, 2010/02/09 12:04:58.4, 7, 1.817
3254506, -38.9627, 175.7722, 2010/02/09 12:07:34.8, 5, 1.837
3254509, -38.9746, 175.7702, 2010/02/09 12:12:04.3, 7, 1.952
3254525, -38.9707, 175.7741, 2010/02/09 13:05:42.8, 7, 2.2
3254612, -38.9699, 175.7608, 2010/02/09 17:25:26.7, 7, 1.597
3254628, -38.9587, 175.7587, 2010/02/09 18:07:41.7, 5, 1.781
3254682, -38.9746, 175.7647, 2010/02/09 20:27:46.3, 7, 1.591
data by geonet. map by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
mt. tihia/tokaanu
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