There were two main swarms, one on the 7th January, the other on 6th/7th February.
There were four other smaller swarms of 4 events each on 3rd Jan., 17th May., 14th June and 23rd August.
The deepest and second largest quake of 1997 was a 3.077 ML, 93km deep on the 19th October at 10:01:57 located in the NE corner of Lake Rotoaira near Opotaka kainga (historic settlement) ( marked on the map as a magenta orb). The largest and only other deep quake of the year was a 3.468 ML, 80km deep on 14th November at 04:32:20.5 located under the southern flanks of Mt Pihanga (marked on the map as a purple orb). Neither of these were reported as felt and were not part of any of the earthquake swarms mentioned above.
1072295, -39.01932, 175.7372, 1997/01/03 01:15:40.4, 5, 2.719
1071314, -39.02197, 175.70793, 1997/01/03 02:55:30.5, 11, 1.946
1070455, -39.02097, 175.70103, 1997/01/03 05:47:42.0, 5, 1.843
1072298, -39.03003, 175.71382, 1997/01/03 06:06:57.6, 5, 1.85
Swarm with 14 events on the 7th January along the southern base of Mt. Tihia in a W-E direction from Mangamutu Stream east to Lake Rotopounamu
1083864, -39.02048, 175.72298, 1997/01/07 11:35:27.1, 5, 1.6
1083866, -39.01861, 175.72563, 1997/01/07 11:47:06.3, 5, 1.405
1081643, -39.01928, 175.7251, 1997/01/07 13:46:15.4, 5, 1.322
1083870, -39.01873, 175.71744, 1997/01/07 13:56:15.7, 5, 1.753
1083871, -39.02097, 175.72412, 1997/01/07 13:57:25.9, 5, 1.645
1083620, -39.01826, 175.71852, 1997/01/07 14:38:34.7, 5, 2.092
1073011, -39.01821, 175.71288, 1997/01/07 14:42:15.0, 5, 2.487
1070188, -39.01721, 175.73134, 1997/01/07 14:49:23.6, 5, 1.519
1073248, -39.02036, 175.7336, 1997/01/07 15:38:10.1, 5, 1.476
1073013, -39.02311, 175.73672, 1997/01/07 17:34:30.2, 5, 2.775
1072790, -39.02807, 175.68805, 1997/01/07 18:17:13.7, 5, 1.257
1083621, -39.02434, 175.71333, 1997/01/07 19:36:48.8, 5, 1.685
1083883, -39.02161, 175.72896, 1997/01/07 19:42:48.5, 5, 1.922
1083622, -39.01884, 175.70558, 1997/01/07 20:56:49.8, 11, 2.165
One other event in January:
1084023, -39.04131, 175.73732, 1997/01/16 03:58:47.1, 0, 1.582
Swarm on 6th and 7th February scattered across the northern end of Lake Rotaira from Otukuo in the west to Mt. Pihanga in the east up to the base of Mt Tihia in the NW and Puketopo Cone in the NE.
1083798, -39.02357, 175.71936, 1997/02/06 15:37:39.5, 5, 1.826
1099068, -39.03179, 175.68327, 1997/02/06 15:38:10.8, 5, 1.51
1099070, -39.01691, 175.69658, 1997/02/06 15:38:17.7, 5, 1.992
1099072, -39.03179, 175.71262, 1997/02/06 15:41:01.3, 5, 1.316
1084545, -39.02773, 175.73929, 1997/02/06 15:42:35.2, 5, 1.615
1099073, -39.01869, 175.74937, 1997/02/06 15:42:56.1, 5, 1.541
1084546, -39.01637, 175.69824, 1997/02/06 15:44:17.3, 5, 2.427
1099077, -39.03719, 175.66887, 1997/02/06 15:44:57.3, 5, 2.074
1084547, -39.02219, 175.72044, 1997/02/06 15:45:55.2, 5, 2.092
1083803, -39.01554, 175.69615, 1997/02/06 15:51:24.5, 5, 1.842
1099079, -39.02677, 175.718, 1997/02/06 15:57:43.3, 5, 1.414
1084548, -39.01584, 175.72128, 1997/02/06 16:03:22.5, 5, 1.892
1099080, -39.01941, 175.72064, 1997/02/06 16:03:33.7, 5, 1.686
1084549, -39.03674, 175.68919, 1997/02/06 16:36:13.5, 5, 1.439
1084552, -39.01896, 175.71263, 1997/02/06 17:40:30.8, 5, 2.058
1083807, -39.01557, 175.70198, 1997/02/06 17:55:54.0, 5, 2.017
1084554, -39.04055, 175.67606, 1997/02/06 19:30:08.7, 5, 1.601
1083808, -39.05475, 175.76129, 1997/02/07 07:02:58.8, 5, 2.565
1083539, -39.04951, 175.76563, 1997/02/07 07:22:29.8, 5, 1.562
1083809, -39.04939, 175.74794, 1997/02/07 11:09:10.9, 5, 2.573
1093287, -39.04892, 175.73378, 1997/02/12 11:40:56.3, 5, 2.546
1093340, -39.02951, 175.74709, 1997/02/21 15:58:11.6, 5, 1.711
1094833, -39.04794, 175.78694, 1997/02/21 15:58:56.2, 5, 1.417
1119066, -39.04618, 175.72464, 1997/04/07 17:22:21.1, 12, 2.33
1121831, -39.02031, 175.71785, 1997/04/20 01:40:23.3, 12, 1.948
1120351, -39.03003, 175.67053, 1997/04/20 17:56:22.4, 9, 2.09
1120352, -39.02234, 175.72874, 1997/04/20 17:57:21.6, 5, 2.207
1133694, -39.041, 175.7211, 1997/05/17 10:27:21.1, 5, 1.966
1134781, -39.04241, 175.72238, 1997/05/17 11:00:27.5, 5, 2.04
1138599, -39.03599, 175.71281, 1997/05/17 21:10:05.9, 5, 1.688
1134783, -39.05378, 175.70233, 1997/05/17 23:04:56.6, 5, 1.531
1136511, -39.03353, 175.69624, 1997/05/20 05:25:29.6, 5, 1.68
1139134, -39.02341, 175.71059, 1997/05/28 08:27:55.0, 5, 1.648
1155607, -39.04791, 175.66991, 1997/06/07 10:26:37.5, 12, 1.187
1146056, -39.05197, 175.71523, 1997/06/07 10:27:30.9, 5, 1.64
1155608, -39.02413, 175.69185, 1997/06/07 10:27:54.3, 5, 1.623
1146917, -39.03432, 175.66084, 1997/06/13 21:28:07.8, 5, 1.19
1145910, -39.02243, 175.6694, 1997/06/13 23:50:21.3, 5, 1.323
1146641, -39.02224, 175.70695, 1997/06/14 01:51:08.5, 5, 1.513
1146642, -39.02198, 175.71423, 1997/06/14 01:54:06.4, 5, 1.907
1146924, -39.01508, 175.69124, 1997/06/14 02:52:04.7, 5, 1.474
1144922, -39.03478, 175.69737, 1997/06/14 10:39:58.7, 5, 1.154
1165457, -39.03487, 175.71841, 1997/08/23 08:26:47.4, 5, 2.423
1169028, -39.0402, 175.73183, 1997/08/23 09:05:52.8, 5, 2.026
1169029, -39.05813, 175.71936, 1997/08/23 10:29:03.1, 12, 1.772
1165458, -39.04234, 175.68988, 1997/08/23 21:39:43.6, 12, 1.696
1188921, -39.02178, 175.71614, 1997/10/19 10:01:57.0, 93, 3.077
1199076, -39.02399, 175.71404, 1997/11/09 11:45:47.6, 5, 2.99
1199077, -39.01578, 175.71077, 1997/11/09 11:52:45.0, 12, 2.444
1199080, -39.0162, 175.70882, 1997/11/09 14:15:04.1, 5, 2.499
1204359, -39.05347, 175.77289, 1997/11/14 04:32:20.5, 80, 3.468
1212140, -39.04707, 175.6656, 1997/12/04 10:40:01.0, 5, 1.548
1218865, -39.01538, 175.75455, 1997/12/23 03:27:07.6, 5, 2.658
1219773, -39.0184, 175.76706, 1997/12/23 03:48:05.5, 5, 2.171
1219811, -39.01933, 175.74709, 1997/12/28 00:17:17.8, 5, 2.149
data by geonet. map by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
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