2010719, -39.0478, 175.6922, 2003/01/01 22:52:25.4, 5, 1.756
2014690, -39.0529, 175.7056, 2003/01/15 13:00:22.9, 5, 1.298
2016662, -39.0252, 175.6948, 2003/01/20 04:17:16.0, 5, 1.247
The February 21 -28th swarm had 126 events, and was wide spread in a WSW-ENE direction, across the north end of Lake Rotoaira through Lake Rotopounamu to Mt Pihanga..
Although none of the events were reported as felt, there were 4 events above 3 magnitude, all centred in the south east corner of Lake Rotopounamu just north east of Onepoto Craters and west of Pihanga on the un-named fault line running
SSW-NNE. (these are marked on the map as grey coloured orbs)
2085211, -39.0496, 175.6863, 2003/02/21 20:03:13.7, 7, 1.158
2028953, -39.032, 175.7564, 2003/02/21 20:03:53.7, 5, 2.428
2085214, -39.04, 175.7086, 2003/02/21 20:04:49.6, 5, 0.905
2085213, -39.0364, 175.6985, 2003/02/21 20:11:16.0, 5, 1.286
2028958, -39.0233, 175.724, 2003/02/21 20:11:40.5, 7, 1.744
2085616, -39.0273, 175.7074, 2003/02/21 20:26:24.9, 5, 0.633
2028965, -39.0262, 175.7448, 2003/02/21 20:26:25.7, 5, 3.083
2028967, -39.0448, 175.6975, 2003/02/21 20:31:22.5, 6, 1.267
2028968, -39.0251, 175.7157, 2003/02/21 20:33:59.9, 5, 1.812
2028969, -39.0321, 175.6972, 2003/02/21 20:36:28.9, 7, 1.565
2085225, -39.0337, 175.7168, 2003/02/21 20:37:09.4, 5, 1.259
2028978, -39.0404, 175.6928, 2003/02/21 20:59:35.3, 5, 0.986
2028979, -39.0365, 175.7044, 2003/02/21 21:00:54.4, 5, 0.983
2028983, -39.0474, 175.6792, 2003/02/21 21:12:51.4, 7, 0.918
2085623, -39.0313, 175.7299, 2003/02/21 21:13:08.9, 5, 1.156
2028985, -39.0299, 175.7402, 2003/02/21 21:15:07.4, 7, 2.783
2085227, -39.0253, 175.7071, 2003/02/21 21:16:36.5, 5, 2.077
2085230, -39.0231, 175.7466, 2003/02/21 21:21:38.4, 5, 1.277
2028987, -39.0269, 175.7198, 2003/02/21 21:22:21.8, 8, 2.209
2085231, -39.0329, 175.7098, 2003/02/21 21:23:14.3, 5, 1.15
2028990, -39.0323, 175.6917, 2003/02/21 21:30:41.3, 5, 1.54
2028991, -39.0286, 175.7425, 2003/02/21 21:32:29.7, 7, 2.774
2028994, -39.0312, 175.7055, 2003/02/21 21:40:29.5, 5, 0.596
2029000, -39.0301, 175.7424, 2003/02/21 21:46:59.6, 9, 2.322
2085244, -39.0264, 175.7016, 2003/02/21 21:48:09.4, 9, 1.63
2029004, -39.0281, 175.7287, 2003/02/21 21:52:43.5, 5, 2.881
2085250, -39.0186, 175.7101, 2003/02/21 21:54:07.5, 12, 2.153
2029006, -39.0566, 175.6658, 2003/02/21 21:58:05.7, 12, 1.151
2029008, -39.0353, 175.7089, 2003/02/21 22:01:13.3, 5, 1.06
2085271, -39.0469, 175.6893, 2003/02/21 22:14:41.6, 5, 1.668
2029014, -39.0326, 175.7439, 2003/02/21 22:15:18.1, 5, 3.156
2085272, -39.0284, 175.7208, 2003/02/21 22:16:29.1, 5, 1.798
2085274, -39.0336, 175.6998, 2003/02/21 22:22:50.7, 5, 1.003
2029018, -39.0256, 175.7133, 2003/02/21 22:25:34.5, 7, 1.802
2029019, -39.0373, 175.7118, 2003/02/21 22:27:48.9, 5, 1.428
2085514, -39.0378, 175.7015, 2003/02/21 22:31:12.5, 5, 0.614
2029020, -39.0322, 175.7232, 2003/02/21 22:31:45.6, 5, 1.604
2029023, -39.0367, 175.7086, 2003/02/21 22:40:07.5, 5, 1.149
2029024, -39.0491, 175.6944, 2003/02/21 22:44:06.5, 5, 0.742
2029029, -39.0283, 175.7072, 2003/02/21 22:55:15.1, 7, 2.124
2085518, -39.0351, 175.6998, 2003/02/21 22:55:41.2, 5, 1.427
2029033, -39.0347, 175.7156, 2003/02/21 23:03:32.8, 5, 0.995
2029034, -39.0424, 175.6971, 2003/02/21 23:04:32.9, 5, 0.876
2029037, -39.0353, 175.702, 2003/02/21 23:08:45.9, 5, 1.024
2029039, -39.03, 175.7092, 2003/02/21 23:13:15.7, 8, 1.711
2085524, -39.048, 175.6887, 2003/02/21 23:15:04.7, 5, 1.446
2029040, -39.0255, 175.7075, 2003/02/21 23:15:34.6, 8, 1.822
2085525, -39.0315, 175.708, 2003/02/21 23:15:55.0, 5, 1.309
2029041, -39.0268, 175.6758, 2003/02/21 23:16:53.6, 5, 0.941
2029044, -39.0386, 175.7015, 2003/02/21 23:22:56.2, 5, 1
2085531, -39.0484, 175.679, 2003/02/21 23:28:03.8, 5, 1.409
2029045, -39.0328, 175.742, 2003/02/21 23:29:01.5, 5, 3.218
2029047, -39.0348, 175.7268, 2003/02/21 23:32:32.4, 5, 1.213
2085535, -39.0362, 175.7, 2003/02/21 23:36:17.1, 5, 1.107
2029048, -39.0211, 175.7234, 2003/02/21 23:36:55.4, 5, 1.75
2085536, -39.0357, 175.7224, 2003/02/21 23:37:33.2, 5, 1.545
2029050, -39.0315, 175.7158, 2003/02/21 23:38:47.9, 5, 1.675
2085539, -39.0321, 175.7201, 2003/02/21 23:39:23.2, 5, 1.126
2085541, -39.0259, 175.7066, 2003/02/21 23:48:28.0, 5, 1.545
2029056, -39.0315, 175.7019, 2003/02/21 23:55:47.1, 10, 2.254
2029057, -39.0322, 175.7325, 2003/02/21 23:57:37.6, 5, 2.455
2029058, -39.0405, 175.7122, 2003/02/21 23:59:53.7, 5, 1.179
2085559, -39.027, 175.7112, 2003/02/22 00:07:13.8, 8, 1.671
2029063, -39.0453, 175.6864, 2003/02/22 00:08:59.0, 8, 1.549
2029066, -39.0297, 175.7195, 2003/02/22 00:17:11.1, 5, 1.073
2029071, -39.0395, 175.7098, 2003/02/22 00:28:02.4, 5, 1.522
2029073, -39.0421, 175.7101, 2003/02/22 00:31:55.6, 5, 1.274
2029089, -39.0381, 175.7027, 2003/02/22 01:38:18.9, 5, 1.325
2029098, -39.0422, 175.7134, 2003/02/22 02:03:03.2, 5, 1.291
2029132, -39.0313, 175.7475, 2003/02/22 04:25:51.5, 5, 3.169
2029138, -39.039, 175.7506, 2003/02/22 04:57:07.0, 5, 0.964
2029139, -39.0536, 175.6953, 2003/02/22 05:01:18.2, 5, 0.753
2029142, -39.0493, 175.674, 2003/02/22 05:10:51.5, 8, 1.644
2085632, -39.0375, 175.7112, 2003/02/22 05:21:00.7, 5, 0.976
2029148, -39.0293, 175.7354, 2003/02/22 05:33:17.2, 5, 0.539
2029181, -39.042, 175.7152, 2003/02/22 07:37:36.7, 5, 1.082
2029226, -39.0379, 175.6964, 2003/02/22 10:37:03.1, 5, 0.672
2029294, -39.0379, 175.7049, 2003/02/22 14:53:23.3, 8, 1.136
2029323, -39.0351, 175.7415, 2003/02/22 17:08:52.0, 5, 2.379
2086659, -39.024, 175.7495, 2003/02/22 17:11:26.7, 5, 1.345
2086660, -39.0353, 175.7225, 2003/02/22 17:11:52.5, 5, 1.129
2029325, -39.041, 175.7625, 2003/02/22 17:12:19.0, 5, 2.529
2029326, -39.0421, 175.6799, 2003/02/22 17:14:05.2, 5, 0.751
2029327, -39.0331, 175.7083, 2003/02/22 17:15:22.8, 5, 0.8
2029328, -39.0307, 175.7063, 2003/02/22 17:16:33.4, 5, 2.074
2029329, -39.046, 175.6837, 2003/02/22 17:17:51.2, 5, 1.246
2029340, -39.027, 175.7104, 2003/02/22 18:00:01.6, 9, 1.995
2029354, -39.0424, 175.6851, 2003/02/22 18:55:51.4, 11, 1.421
2086734, -39.0383, 175.7053, 2003/02/23 05:09:34.3, 5, 0.792
2029518, -39.0438, 175.6765, 2003/02/23 06:57:51.9, 12, 0.821
2029542, -39.026, 175.7104, 2003/02/23 08:56:37.8, 7, 2.082
2029549, -39.0283, 175.7312, 2003/02/23 09:28:41.4, 7, 1.447
2029621, -39.0427, 175.6721, 2003/02/23 16:38:34.8, 7, 1.192
2031453, -39.0218, 175.7055, 2003/02/27 01:08:02.5, 7, 2.261
2031455, -39.052, 175.6936, 2003/02/27 01:09:59.4, 5, 1.24
2087376, -39.0461, 175.6984, 2003/02/27 01:11:26.2, 5, 1.739
2031458, -39.0188, 175.6935, 2003/02/27 01:25:38.4, 7, 2.226
2031463, -39.0323, 175.7038, 2003/02/27 01:42:42.2, 5, 1.605
2087377, -39.0332, 175.7157, 2003/02/27 01:43:33.6, 5, 1.795
2087388, -39.0178, 175.7086, 2003/02/27 01:48:35.5, 5, 1.926
2087390, -39.016, 175.7146, 2003/02/27 01:51:36.8, 9, 2.126
2031468, -39.0466, 175.6964, 2003/02/27 01:57:32.1, 5, 1.146
2031471, -39.0467, 175.6937, 2003/02/27 02:08:32.8, 5, 1.564
2031472, -39.0556, 175.7136, 2003/02/27 02:09:34.2, 5, 1.39
2031482, -39.0472, 175.69, 2003/02/27 02:55:30.4, 5, 1.36
2031487, -39.0168, 175.7051, 2003/02/27 03:12:15.4, 7, 2.155
2031520, -39.0367, 175.6839, 2003/02/27 05:14:28.0, 5, 1.689
2087394, -39.0351, 175.6991, 2003/02/27 05:14:35.4, 5, 2.236
2087395, -39.0484, 175.6705, 2003/02/27 05:14:59.8, 5, 1.398
2087396, -39.0399, 175.6811, 2003/02/27 05:15:32.3, 5, 1.316
2031523, -39.031, 175.6943, 2003/02/27 05:24:59.7, 12, 1.818
2031552, -39.0229, 175.7197, 2003/02/27 06:45:36.1, 7, 2.252
2031557, -39.0229, 175.7054, 2003/02/27 06:57:19.9, 5, 2.461
2031559, -39.038, 175.6926, 2003/02/27 07:06:20.2, 13, 1.915
2031590, -39.046, 175.6951, 2003/02/27 08:55:32.1, 5, 1.425
2031593, -39.0474, 175.6924, 2003/02/27 09:17:00.4, 12, 1.857
2031601, -39.0372, 175.6861, 2003/02/27 09:38:55.4, 5, 2.111
2031602, -39.0523, 175.6675, 2003/02/27 09:42:45.1, 10, 1.645
2031613, -39.0209, 175.7109, 2003/02/27 10:22:30.8, 7, 2.179
2031622, -39.0428, 175.7029, 2003/02/27 11:03:03.8, 5, 1.785
2031740, -39.047, 175.7119, 2003/02/27 21:29:00.9, 5, 1.442
2031757, -39.0247, 175.704, 2003/02/27 22:40:41.0, 6, 1.88
2031824, -39.022, 175.7044, 2003/02/28 04:03:09.9, 6, 1.885
2087428, -39.0322, 175.686, 2003/02/28 04:03:24.7, 5, 1.618
2087431, -39.0496, 175.68, 2003/02/28 04:04:54.5, 5, 1.628
2087430, -39.0401, 175.6998, 2003/02/28 04:10:44.3, 5, 1.05
further earthquakes in March and early April;
2032804, -39.0362, 175.7042, 2003/03/03 01:54:21.5, 5, 1.613
2032990, -39.0563, 175.6614, 2003/03/03 13:46:38.4, 12, 1.328
2032996, -39.0251, 175.702, 2003/03/03 13:58:14.5, 8, 1.616
2034926, -39.055, 175.6753, 2003/03/10 13:07:25.2, 12, 1.135
2035928, -39.0433, 175.7013, 2003/03/13 10:30:37.4, 5, 1.175
2036795, -39.0437, 175.6718, 2003/03/16 13:08:59.6, 5, 0.806
2036843, -39.0422, 175.7062, 2003/03/16 19:27:44.6, 5, 1.317
2036898, -39.0449, 175.7024, 2003/03/17 00:45:19.0, 5, 1.275
2037596, -39.0366, 175.7149, 2003/03/18 17:52:42.1, 9, 1.075
2037629, -39.0391, 175.6918, 2003/03/18 20:57:38.4, 5, 1.665
2037631, -39.0355, 175.7206, 2003/03/18 21:10:30.4, 5, 1.094
2037898, -39.0419, 175.73, 2003/03/19 16:22:56.5, 5, 1.016
2038087, -39.052, 175.6778, 2003/03/20 08:30:00.2, 5, 1.365
2038106, -39.046, 175.7161, 2003/03/20 09:43:01.2, 5, 0.999
2092366, -39.0407, 175.724, 2003/03/20 10:11:49.6, 5, 0.675
2038176, -39.0361, 175.7317, 2003/03/20 14:46:31.5, 5, 0.783
2042691, -39.0244, 175.7385, 2003/03/29 18:33:27.7, 98, 2.772
2047471, -39.0318, 175.7292, 2003/04/08 23:24:43.1, 5, 1.024
2097219, -39.0324, 175.7257, 2003/04/08 23:25:45.6, 5, 0.992
The second swarm of 2003 occurred on the 11th April UTC with two micro quakes, then 15hrs later a flurry of 17 events within ¾ hr, then a final micro ¾ hr after that. The largest quake was a 2.414 ML at 20:13:38.6 UTC.
The swarm was concentrated in the area north east of Wairehu Canal, around Motopuhi Island and north west of Onepoto Cratres as far as the Ponaga Saddle.
2049085, -39.0252, 175.7013, 2003/04/11 05:00:26.6, 8, 1.774
2049086, -39.0294, 175.7181, 2003/04/11 05:01:48.2, 5, 1.142
2049392, -39.0202, 175.7185, 2003/04/11 20:13:38.6, 9, 2.414
2097595, -39.0283, 175.7145, 2003/04/11 20:14:45.9, 10, 2.183
2097600, -39.0332, 175.7061, 2003/04/11 20:15:40.2, 5, 1.237
2097606, -39.0346, 175.7088, 2003/04/11 20:15:55.3, 8, 1.191
2049395, -39.0275, 175.6991, 2003/04/11 20:19:39.8, 5, 1.984
2049396, -39.0245, 175.7262, 2003/04/11 20:20:45.3, 5, 0.931
2049397, -39.0308, 175.73, 2003/04/11 20:28:11.4, 5, 1.045
2097611, -39.0379, 175.7259, 2003/04/11 20:50:55.4, 5, 0.66
2097607, -39.0335, 175.7279, 2003/04/11 20:51:00.5, 5, 1.268
2097609, -39.0294, 175.7219, 2003/04/11 20:51:27.5, 5, 1.542
2097614, -39.0249, 175.7015, 2003/04/11 20:52:28.1, 5, 0.596
2097616, -39.0468, 175.7167, 2003/04/11 20:52:31.3, 5, 1.184
2097617, -39.0383, 175.698, 2003/04/11 20:52:50.4, 5, 1.074
2049404, -39.0208, 175.7068, 2003/04/11 20:53:42.4, 9, 1.858
2097613, -39.0317, 175.7191, 2003/04/11 20:55:01.0, 5, 0.809
2049406, -39.0368, 175.7194, 2003/04/11 20:57:19.5, 5, 1.033
2049407, -39.0317, 175.7209, 2003/04/11 20:59:36.2, 6, 1.373
2049415, -39.0328, 175.7178, 2003/04/11 21:42:04.8, 5, 0.849
There was no activity through May and June, until;
2083538, -39.0527, 175.6862, 2003/07/06 18:28:31.9, 5, 1.725
The third and smallest swarm occurred on July 19th north of Motuopuhi Island towards the base of Mt. Tihia, in two series of events, the first 3 minutes long and the second lasting 27 seconds.
2089535, -39.0296, 175.7048, 2003/07/19 20:18:11.4, 8, 1.637
2089536, -39.0263, 175.7095, 2003/07/19 20:19:22.4, 5, 2.138
2124023, -39.0169, 175.7103, 2003/07/19 20:19:49.2, 9, 1.373
2089537, -39.0273, 175.7097, 2003/07/19 20:20:45.1, 8, 1.378
2089547, -39.0187, 175.7049, 2003/07/19 20:43:05.3, 9, 1.533
2124027, -39.0235, 175.7062, 2003/07/19 20:43:14.8, 5, 1.431
2124030, -39.0219, 175.703, 2003/07/19 20:43:32.4, 5, 1.481
further earthquakes in 2003;
2104783, -39.0373, 175.7321, 2003/08/23 23:54:11.1, 5, 1.398
2117277, -39.0443, 175.7482, 2003/09/17 19:56:43.9, 5, 1.816
2118083, -39.0163, 175.6971, 2003/09/19 14:17:58.7, 5, 1.407
2240734, -39.024, 175.6754, 2003/10/10 15:42:20.1, 5, 0.526
2131101, -39.054, 175.6763, 2003/10/20 10:32:44.5, 12, 0.549
2137311, -39.015, 175.7292, 2003/11/02 21:42:29.4, 161, 3.117
2145601, -39.0227, 175.7063, 2003/11/14 05:13:38.6, 5, 0.61
2152672, -39.0358, 175.7329, 2003/11/30 12:54:49.4, 5, 2.092
2152689, -39.0208, 175.7262, 2003/11/30 14:14:05.6, 12, 1.847
data by geonet. map by google maps. plots by highace using GPS Visualizer
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